Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas in paradise

Little did we know, BK practices silent meditation days every Thursday. And this Thursday happened to be Christmas. Did I mention that you are expected to remain completely silent? As in no reading, writing, music, technology or even eye contact. They encourage you to just sit and reflect. In addition to this, it is also a day of consuming only coconuts. After a quick pow-wow, we made an easy decision to break out of the retreat and go island hopping instead.

That morning we woke up, whispered Merry Christmas to each other and proceeded to sneak forbidden dessert from the night before to our room for breakfast. Our second mission was to quietly send messages and Skype family back home to say Merry Christmas. Our trike picked us up bright and early to take us to Honda Bay where we chartered a private boat to 3 beautiful islands. Now this is what I envisioned when I thought of the Philippines. Joyce and I were beaming and laughing all day long while fully enjoying talking with our outdoor voice for the first time in days.

Christmas breakfast! The hard part was sneaking the dishes back downstairs.

Cowrie Island 

This was our first stop and it was completely picturesque. Being the closest island, we shared the the beach with some Khmer families and their young kids playing in the water. The shallow warm water and palm trees to lounge under made it a perfect spot to simply relax.

We couldn't get enough of the view. 

Pandan Island 

The busiest of the islands, Pandon was buzzing with tourists plus had a couple food stalls and water activities. We also enjoyed our first cooked meal since arriving and savored each bite.

Our Christmas day meal.
Enjoying fresh coconut flesh. 

Luli Island 

Our last stop was quite special since at one point we were the only ones there (besides some staff). With the entire swimming area to ourselves, we played music and I took full advantage of the diving board. It was a perfect end to a perfect day.

Our sweet ride. 

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