Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Silk Island

On this edition of Phnom Penh Hike Group, we took the ferry across the river to Silk Island. We have been on the island a couple times but picked a new route that took us through some pretty cool areas. I debated going this time since it was an insanely hot out. Mind you, the hot/wet season is coming up and the once cool mornings are now a pleasant memory. So! I slathered on the sunscreen and dragged myself there with my 1L water bottle in tow. The intense heat subsided slightly after the sun went down but either way this was a hike I was glad I didn’t miss.

Very peaceful.

Women using umbrellas to shield themselves from the sun while working.
There was a super random resort build in what felt like the middle of nowhere. We don't know when it was built but it was completely abandoned. Apparently it was built for "foreigners" but no one knew about it so it couldn't stay open.
First of two floors. There was also an elaborate walkway connecting a stage, a huge cage which likely held animals for show and some smaller buildings. 
Part of the abandoned resort. 
Organizing the fruit haul from the day. 
I seriously love the kids here.
Our group!

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