Saturday, April 18, 2015

Saying goodbye to a few of my favourite things

I can't say I had a big "finding myself" moment or anything but it has been an experience of a lifetime and if I've learned anything it's to appreciate the small things and to not be afraid to ask questions and just figure it out as you go (mini freak-outs permitted). I may complain about the bugs, the humidity, lack of sidewalks or the general lack of organization but there are definitely some things that I will miss. A lot.

So here's to the beautiful family who runs Boom Boom travel and set me up with my visas, bus and plane tickets, the staff at the Golden Gate Hotel which was my home for a month and took the best care of me (including when I passed out in their dining room), hopping on one of the motos on every corner to get wherever you need for $1, my favourite local BKK market where you could find absolutely anything without being hassled and my love-hate relationship with the crazy streets lined with convenient stores which are indeed very convenient. A special shout out to all the amazing new friends I made and hope to stay in touch with and all the great clubs and teams I joined that kept me from being anti-social when I was feeling homesick (dodgeball, the hike group, nerd night, book club). I never dreamt I would have so many things to miss and I will always smile when I think of all the amazing people I've met.

Polo is my trusted tuk tuk driver. We became quick buddies from my first week here and I called him whenever I needed to go somewhere pre-planned. When my mom and Lynda came, Polo was happy to take them out while ensuring me "I'll take good care of them for you". He also made me cry when hugging me goodbye at the airport by saying "don't forget me". I died. 
Badly translated signs are an endless source of entertainment. 
Same goes with t-shirts. I've lost count of the times I've seen locals wear shirts knowing they have no idea what they say. (For example, "a apple a day keeps the STD away"... Ummmm)
The act of a bunch of children yelling hello at you and running over for high fives is something we warmly refer to as "the hello ambush". 
Out of the million DVD shops in town, this was my favourite.  She is so incredible sweet and usually the only person who knew what I was asking for half the time.
There is something so refreshing about a coconut being cracked open for you on the spot. Saves the day if you are dehydrated too! These guys are everywhere and you can get one for 2000 riel (50/cents). Fresh pressed cane juice makes it into this category too.  
What am I going to do without my mango guy?! He always stopped if he saw me walking and I even had his number in case I ran out. 
Weekly dodgeball! 
Day trip to climb Chisor Mountain with the girls. 
Failed attempt at a jumping photo on Koh Ta Kiev island during New Years with Holly and Jordan. 
Celine and the random bouncy castle. 
My roomie, fellow Canadian and soul sister Aviva. 
The night market farewell dinner to enjoy my favourite $1.50 meal and the best company a girl could ask for.

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